Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I miss Firenze!

I traveled abroad to Florence, Italy last summer for a 6 week study abroad program.  I had the time of my life and met awesome people!  After coming back to the States all I have been thinking about is planning a trip back!  I plan on backpacking across the countries that I have not been to yet after graduation!  I'm so excited!!!

Ponte Vecchio: Firenze, Italy

Can you blame me for wanting to live here for the rest of my life??

Celeb outfits at the Grammy's

I watched some of the Grammy's the other night.  There were some ridiculous outfits that the stars wore!

Lady Gaga after coming out of an egg..

Cee-lo Green's inspiration: Peacocks

Penn State Baseball!

Super excited for the Penn State Baseball season to start.  I love baseball and the combination of being outside in the warm weather calls for a great time!